Ohaus Starter Electrodes

OHAUS Precision Powers the Starter Electrodes

Backed by our commitment to accurate and precise measurement, the OHAUS Starter Series of electrodes are designed to produce exact results time and time again. The Starter Series includes pH, reference, oxidation-reduction potential (ORP), conductivity, dissolved oxygen (DO), and temperature electrodes that can be used in combination with Starter bench and portable meters.



  • All sturdy and durable electrodes are constructed of either plastic or glass shafts and built to withstand daily use.
  • All electrodes include a temperature sensor, which powers automatic temperature compensation and ensures accurate measurements.
  • All electrodes fit perfectly in the electrode holders on OHAUS bench meters and electrode clips on all OHAUS portable meters.


Application Laboratory
Brand Name Ohaus

Additional Information

Min. Order Quantity 10 Piece


Item Number Description
30100424 Buffer pH1.68 250ml
30100429 Buffer pH10.01 250ml
30100440 Buffer pH12.45 250ml
30100425 Buffer pH4.01 250ml
30100426 Buffer pH6.86 250ml
30100427 Buffer pH7.00 250ml
30100428 Buffer pH9.18 250ml
83033971 Buffer Powder pH4.01,7.00,10.01
30282603 Cable, 4m, BNC, STARTER electrodes
30059256 pH electrode protection solution(3M KCl)
30059255 pH electrolyte (KCl saturated AgCl, 30ml
30064800 pH sensor protect bottle(10 in bag)

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